And to think some of the younger members thought it stood for geriatric. Gerard v/d Raad, better known as Oom Gerard caravan, is so flexible he can put his foot in his mouth. Maybe not physically, but in a manner of speaking, he did. Gerhard phoned Wynand to inform him, ever so tongue in cheek and with his normal air of authority that Wynand slipped up in the newsletter.
Gerard pointed out to Wynand, in no uncertain terms, that Wynand posted the incorrect information about the Jackie Mekler, that it was a league race and according to Athletics Gauteng North it was decided at a meeting (that Wynand attended) that it was not a league race.
Wynand, flabbergasted, asked where Gerard obtained this critical information, while searching his memory for clues as to how he could have made such a mistake. With a smile that Wynand could observe even via the phone, Gerard asked, from his high horse, did you not read your minutes of the meeting that was send out by AGN?
Wynand tendered an apology and immediately went to the PC and searched for this E Mail with these damning minutes of the meeting. When Wynand found this evidence that Gerard held him hostage with, and reading it slowly, like it should be read by all, the truth of the matter was clear to all.
Written in the Queen’s English, it clearly states that the AGN committee decided that the Jackie Mekler race on 7 th May 2016 will not be a league race. Wynand phoned Gerard, and slowly, like you should speak to the elderly, explained the difference that this was actually the decision for the 2016 race and that we are now in 2017.
Don’t worry Gerard we will all get there eventually, if we live long enough. I have heard of mobile banking but some members have given it a complete new meaning. Gerard’s brother, Bert, a social member at our club, was one of the volunteers that helped at the Wings for Life world run. For this “help” you were rewarded with a T-shirt, food package, and small bottle of water, and a hot meal afterwards. A cash amount of R200.00 would then also be deposited into your banking account.
Wynand, our club manager was administrating this function and all the helpers had to forward their banking details to Wynand. All EFT’s went smooth until Wynand got to Bert v/d Raad’s transfer. Every time Wynand tried to transfer the funds to Bert’s account the banks system rejected the transfer. Wynand rechecked to see if he did not make a mistake with the banking details and then proceeded to copy the bank account number supplied by Bert and paste it into the bank’s space for this purpose.
The transfer was again rejected. Out of pure frustration Wynand, while sitting in front of his PC, decided to phone Bert to make sure he has the correct banking detail. He looked up Bert’s cell phone number, and was about to dial when he saw that this number looked similar to the bank account number that Bert had sent to him. Low and behold, it was the same number. Bert has just given mobile banking a complete new face. Use your mobile phone and get the money transferred directly to your phone. The only problem is getting the money out of the phone. Sorry Bert, wrong banking account. I cannot help but wonder what we can expect from the younger brother Co.
Well folks that’s it for now, so cheers vir eers. Talk to you after the big C, if I survive it.
The Running Reporter